Pantone Ranch
Shoshone, Idaho
Hello, from Tony and Pam Pantone! We have called Shoshone, Idaho, home for 20 years. We started out, 35 years ago, by working for and with a number of great stockmen and horsemen (and women!) on ranches in the Great Basin and California. For the past 23 years we have worked to build our own set of cattle and take pride in the fact that they’re good “outside” cows that like wide open spaces as much as we do.
We have been blessed to raise our four daughters while ranching and farming, and they still enjoy and appreciate all that goes along with this kind of life. We share a love of and a responsibility for the land, our many resources, and our livestock. We are thankful for the never-ending opportunities to learn and to help better everything around us. Most of all, we are extremely thankful for the wonderful people that this life has placed in our path!